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Apr 08, 2005
On Ebay -- FULL set of Dunny Series One
As Dunny collectors know, Series 1 Dunnys are hard to come by and fairly expensive due to that rarity. Typically, single figures from Series 1 run about $30. Full sets go for quite a bit (upwards of $800 or so). Right now there's an auction on ebay for a full set (silver and gold included). With roughly 3 hours to go (7:48 PM PST), the high bid is $415 which is a very reasonable price. I assume that the price will go up -- it's tempting but that's too rich for my blood. Just thought some of you might be interested.
Update: The full set went for $620 which seems a little low to me, although I have not systematically tracked such sales.
Check it here.
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