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Jul 14, 2005


Here are the first batch of rough pics take from the exhibition hall of SDCC on preview night (wednesday, 7/13).  I've put these up in the intrest of sharing pics ASAP -- they lack captions, are a little out of order (not quite booth by booth), some are a tad blurry, and well you get the idea.  But I figure it's all good, since you get to see 'em now!  Check it out the day 1 (or is that day zero?) photo gallery.  Watch Vinyl Pulse for future updates (hopefully more organized and edited).

Posted by Jack @ 03:11 AM in Comic-Con 2005 | Permalink  | Comments (2) |


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Great ringside seats. Thanks.

More info about the nano spors (sdcc_day_one_/img_0436.jpg), please!!!

hmmm, wish I was there.

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