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Oct 14, 2005

MAD x Sket One: Controlled Substances Sneak Peek Part 2 (10.22.05)

As a proud sponsor of Sket One and MAD's Controlled Substances show (10.22.05) at Toy Qube in NY, here's part the 2nd of our sneak peeks at their  wildly creative and just plain awesome show pieces.  Today, we have slices of eight canvases from Sket One (6 of which will have 3d cutouts).  We also have slices of 3 prints from MAD including a glimpse at his new Cappas line (bottom slice). We're only showing slices but believe me, this stuff is killer! If you're anywhere near NYC, you have to make it out to the show next Saturday!  Up next week: Toys!

Posted by Jack @ 06:10 PM in Controlled Substances , Shows | Permalink  | Comments (2) |


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Still wondering if anyone has seen ripple?????

I have!!!! He rawks too! Only wish he didn't melt so fast in the sun:)

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