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Dec 15, 2005
Commence Destruction - Frank Kozik's 10" Dr. Bombs from Toy2R
Frank Kozik's legion of Bombs is growing from the original 8" to the fiendishly cute 6" Baby Bombs to the real deal, 10" Dr. Bombs -- all produced by Toy2R. The first two are the Lime Sherbert edition (350 pieces - End of December) and the Stealth edition (500 pieces - end of Feburary '06). There's also a Yoyamart exclusive non-smoking edition of the Lime Sherbert Dr. Bomb. I really dig the Lime Sherbert edition. The Dr. Bomb shape is inspired and the Lime one has a delicious mix of toughness and cuteness -- definitely a piece that makes someone stop and think... "wha..." ;-) As it should be. The only question is smoking or non-smoking? Tough call for me -- one's classic kozik but the other maybe achieves a more balanced cute-tough mix? Which do you prefer?
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Both very cool pieces, if they arrive in the UK then i'd have both...
No Cig in the mouth! I would buy all the Koziks if they didn't have this! I usually like the design, I just HATE that cigarette hanging from the face, so I don't buy them.
I like them all. give me more Dr. Bomb
I prefer the Stealth. I can't have every Kozik fig, so I'd rather get the one with a dark edge.
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