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Mar 24, 2006

Gee Whizz @ The Well (04.01.06)

A show benefiting Huck Gee to help fight his immigration cause, Gee Whizz, opens for preview on Saturday April 1st and to the general public on the 2nd. 30 international artists are expected to have their art work on display. Among them is NVC's (Dr. Bao and Spive) Nakamura. This 3 inch Dunny is doped up with a skull face and a heavy duty helmet that sits low, protecting the head from imminent danger. To check out this piece in person, just swing by the gallery. An evening of great art and to help out our dear friend, Huck, what's stopping you????

The Well (opposite Glorias, next to Big Chill bar)
the Old Truman Brewery
Dray Walk, off Brick Lane
London E1 6QL

Posted by Francine @ 05:00 AM in Shows | Permalink  | Comments (0) |


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