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May 19, 2006

"El Panda Revealed" Part 20

Here's a second look at MUTTPOP's El Panda CLASSICO.To stay consistent with the previous photos we have debuted for Sweet & Sour, Imperial, and Black Bean, we have decided to revisit Classico with our own set of photos. The manufacturer took the previous photos. This new set of photos has been taken by Jerry Frissen of Muttpop Inc.

Next week begins our ramp up for El Panda's official debut in June 2006!

Posted by Jack @ 08:15 AM in El Panda | Permalink  | Comments (3) |


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No doubt, this ones my fave.

This guy is awesome!! It is a must have. That being said, why is the one arm in a "hailing a cab" or "yelling across the room" pose? That looks funky, kind of a turn off.


El Panda's left arm rotates at the elbow joint. As such, you can position it in the "hailing a cab (funny description)" position along with the "karate chop action pose" and "begging for change" plea.

We'll show pics of the various poses in a later post.

Thanks for the question/concern.

-Muttpop Bob

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