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Jul 09, 2006

Fatcaps @ TTF

The Fatcap from Kidrobot -- a new graff inspired mini-fig with a spray cap head and a Dunny body -- was made available for the first time at Taipei Toy Festival in a preview release of sorts.  While the full series won't be released for several months, a special TTF exclusive GID edition Fatcap limited to 200 pieces was available during the show.  This version was designed by spray paint manufacturer, MontanaColors.  It's nice to finally be able to see a Fatcap up close and personal though the GID aspect overshadows the design elements and doesn't really make the shape 'pop'.  One really cool feature of the Fatcap is the inclusion of some sort of rattle which simulates the classic sound of shaking a spray paint can

The full series to be released in a few months will feature 19 designs with 2 chase/mystery figures.  Also, this series has a redemption ticket feature which will net 200 lucky winners a print by Tilt plus a chance to win a can per day for a year of MontanaColors paint (Ok, 365 cans).











Posted by Jack @ 08:55 AM in 2006 TTF , Incoming | Permalink  | Comments (4) |


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When are these coming out, I wanna customi...

Oh, never mind, I'll scratchbuild one, stay tuned!

Is this some old Thunderdoggg design? Looks familiar...

T: This was designed by Tristan Eaton for Kidrobot. I'm pretty sure he had it up on the Thunderdog site under his work portfolio section. So that's probably why you think it's a Thunderdog design.

These look so cool. The rattle feature is a really neat touch

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