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Jul 25, 2006

Unkl Brand @ SDCC

Portland-based Unkl Brand had a bigger presence this year in part thanks to a booth twice as big as last year's (20' x 10' vs 10' x 10').  Several new toys were available at the show including  the brand new SUG Series 2, the recently released TinPo Series 2: Fashion Victims, the new B1.2 HazMaPos and the entirely new JunPo.  And those are only the toys that were available for purchase.  Unklbrand also showed off the crossover MakPo which will have a HazMaPo driver.  Speaking of HazMaPo's, they're getting supersized! Watch for 12" HazMaPo's soon!   As a side note: fans of big toys will have alot of different choices to choose from shortly -- toys are getting bigger and bigger.    Rounding out their offerings, Unkl Brand also had custom SUGs available for a very reasonable $200 as well a numerous shirts and prints.  Fans dropping by the booth were in for a treat as both founders of Unkl Brand, Jason Bacon and Derek Welch were available for signings and sketches. Props to the company for continuing to produce figures with their own unique aesthetic.




Jason Bacon and Derek Welch

Jason Bacon

HazMaPo Series B1.2



SUG Series 2


TinPo Series 2



12" HazMaPo's




Custom SUGs

Posted by Jack @ 09:36 PM in 2006 SDCC | Permalink  | Comments (0) |


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