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Jul 13, 2006

UnklBrand @ SDCC

Unklbrand has an exciting lineup for this year's SDCC at booth #4632 with the release of three new series of figures on July 20th thru the 21st.  Let's dive in ;-)

B1.2 4 Blu Lu

B1.2 5 Greene

B1.2 6 Sharkey's Machine

HazMaPo B1.2 Train Series: Release Date July 20th

B1.2 4 Blu Lu
A Former Cleaner For the Mob, she now spends her time more Nobly- as choreographer for the Pittsburgh Steelers Cheerleaders. Her free time is spent hunting for javelinas on her ranch in Waxahachie, Texas
Favorite Food: Kolaches

B1.2 5 Greene
A once proud satellite dish salesman and proponent of the crew cut can be found scamming European car salesman. He’s a sucker for the mayonnaise and isn’t afraid to share it.
Favorite Food: Tuna Dog’s

B1.2 6 Sharkey’s Machine
Only has one eye but always on the prize. A devoted father and Olympic enthusiast, his next goal is compete in the Summer Biathlon (gymnastic floor exercise + precision target shooting).
Favorite Food: Snuffer’s Fries

The HazMaPo's roll on with these cool new editions.  Mini-figs for the post-apocolyptic age ;-) Series B1.2 offer color variations of the recently released B1 HazMaPo's. 




JunPo Series 1: Release date July 21st

No one is sure how long the JunPo organization has been around. Like the Samurai or the illuminati, they have existed as a secretive global faction passing down their mission and way of life from generation to generation.


Base of Operation: Finland
Day Job: Crab Fisherman
Specialty Task: Deep Sea Rescue


Base of Operations: India
Day Job: Janitor
Specialty Task: Urban Clean Up


Base of Operations: Thailand
Day Job: Backhoe Operator
Specialty Skill: Subterranean Mole

The JunPo's are looking good.  These echo the vibe of the current HazMat suits more than any of the previous UnklBrand figs.  The arm detail is quite nice.

D 56 

E 57

SUG Series 2: Release date July 22nd

In 1955 SUG was born in a remote part of Iceland. He weighed in at a 40lbs and was an astounding 43" long. Today, the real SUG is all of 7'7" and weighs 655lbs. He continues to base his operations out of a remote location in the moonlike landscape of northern Iceland. We approached SUG to ask if we could create a 12" version of him and tell his story. The only thing he asked for in exchange was a set of the 3 original UNKL Brand SUGs, which we quickly agreed to. For the record, SUG says the figures are an
excellent representation of his likeness.

There are two new figures in this 2nd series: D 56 (Red) Icelandic Surgical Division and E 57 (Black) Icelandic Tactical Division.  The SUG is a really nice figure, one that hasn't really gotten its just due. We hope that Series 2 attracts a new legion of fans.

Posted by Jack @ 06:08 PM in 2006 SDCC | Permalink  | Comments (0) |


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