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Jul 27, 2006

Win a Treeson

Once in a while I come across a toy that stops me in my tracks and catches my curiosity. At Taipei Toy Festival such a toy came "running" by, his name is Treeson. Although, we have previously covered Treeson , I had not yet seen one in person.  At first glance, I didn't know what to make of it. Here is a creature standing at 5" tall  with  a stick protruding out of its chest. Not to mention a simple smiling face surrounded by its white thorny surface. Then, I picked it up, and was pleasantly surprised. Treeson is one solid toy. Its hard and bumpy texture makes it comforting to touch, sort of a therapeutic treatment. Maybe he was intended to create that soothing feeling. Created by Bubi Au Yeung and sculptured and produced by Wookie of Crazy Label, Treeson may be cuddly and lovable, but beyond its cutish appearance, lies a self-discovery journey. Wanna find out more, check out Wookieweb's site. In the mean time, if you want one, this is your chance. You can win a Treeson from VP. Here's the details of the contest:

1. Enter by leaving a comment in this post only
2. Only one entry per person -- duplicate entries subject to disqualification.
3. Deadline to enter: August 10, 2006 8:00 PST  
4. Winner will be notified by email and must respond within 72 hours.
5. Shipping within Continental US will be covered, anywhere else will be paid by winner.

Good luck!!!

Posted by Francine @ 09:00 AM in Contests (active) | Permalink  | Comments (218) |


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woo hoo!! love these guys!

i'm totally gonna win

i like him, cause he looks like a squishy little boom boom hugger baby.

I wouldn't be that happy with a branch sticking in me...

Nice. ^_^

I need something with a stick sticking out of it, so this would be ideal for me, I think or something.....

Love that thing!

Mmm ... soothing.

Icing sugar on a stick. Hmmm ... good!

The design execution is perfect!

makes me think of the priest in dead alive with the white furr and impalement and what not.

Seems like if you were to take out the stick it'd make a sad face... I guess it can't be that bad, then!

nice figure...:)

ghost of a porcupine

I saw this adorable creature at Comic Con last weekend. It was one of my top favorite pieces at the convention... but alas it was only a prototype. :(
Maybe this was fate to find him showing up here and needing a proper home. He would find a comfy place within my dwelling if I were win (fingers tightly crossed for luck).

haha really creative.

Love the texture. I've been waiting for him to be released.

Excellent, I want one!

ahh!! it's like a handicapped Frosty!! me likey... >=)

Love this figure! Really cool and odd and cute at the same time.

i just bought one the other day, but it'd be nice to have one i can take out of the box and play with!!


win win win win win win win

I saw it in one of the cases at COmic Con. One of the best desings I've seen.

PICK ME !!!!

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