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Jul 30, 2007
Vinyl Toy Network offered an alternative to SDCC for vinyl collectors, companies and artists with the Urban Underground Project in SD on Friday July 27th through Saturday the 28th. Located at the spacious "Factory", the UUP hosted several vendors including toy companies such as Wheaty Wheat Studios, retailers including 3DRetro, Rooted Movement, and Mechanized and artists including Chris Lee and UrbanMedium.
Several vendors offered exclusives including 3DRetro with two of the most highly sought after art toys in San Diego -- MINDstyle's Benny and Red Bird by Kathie Olivas and Slappy Happy and Mr. Muggles by Brandt Peters. UUP also hosted several signings by toy creators and artists each night at 6 PM including Andrew Bell, Brandt Peters, Brom, Buff Monster, GERMS, Kathie Olivas, Luke Feldman, Toby HK, SKWAK, and more.
Collectors seemed to appreciate the laid back atomosphere compared to the constant crowds of SDCC while some remarked about the unfortunate lack of AC. VTN UUP offers an alternative to SDCC with the promise of offering a broader selection of vendors in a relaxed environment. We're looking forward to the next step in VTN's growth.
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VTN was awesome. Lots of great people there and tons of great stuff for cheap!
The highlight was meeting Luke of skaffs.com . He is the nicest artist by far. His work is cool too!
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