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Jul 13, 2007
VTN Urban Underground Project (7.27 - 7.28)
July in San Diego is no longer just about SDCC. There's a new show in town dedicated to art toys and urban culture -- The Urban Underground Project organized by the Vinyl Toy Network (VTN). UUP will be held concurrently during SDCC from 2 to 8 PM on both
Friday July 27 and Saturday July 28th @ The Factory in downtown San
Diego. Building on the strength and community of its first two shows held in the greater Los Angeles area, VTN is offering the UUP as an alternative to the massive end-all, be all pop culture behemoth that is SDCC. UUP will cater to the vinyl community specifically by offering artist signings, exclusives and plentiful booth space at affordable rates to toy companies, retailers, and artists. A special shuttle will be available to whisk collectors from the SDCC to UUP and back (every 30 minutes or so). Vinyl Pulse is proud to be an official media sponsor of the VTN UUP. Stay with us as we bring you the 411 on exclusive releases from artists and vendors over the next week or so.
Jerome's Building AKA The Factory
1466 F Street
San Diego, CA 92101
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