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Aug 01, 2007
Jim Koch's Hanus Proto
October Toys unveiled the prototype of Jim Koch's upcoming Hanus figure at their SDCC booth. Jim has come full circle -- from his original Skeeter figure with adFunture to a long stint creating dope platform designs (Circus Punks, Qee, Trexi, Zugan, Ningyo) and now back to another original figure design. Hanus produced by October Toys looks to be a wild clown with a surprise behind his back -- a drumstick, the prime choice in a ragged clown's arsenal. The out-of-control static cling hair really makes this piece in our opinion.
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That looks crazy awesome.
Great job Jim Koch & adFunture.
Wow! That's heinous!!!
Cool! Good to see a new fig from october toys! :D
Can't wait to see this guy painted up...
Nice work Jim!
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