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Nov 08, 2007

Touma @ mixi-bang! - Skuttle X and Papitz

Touma's coming out from Japan for his third show in three years @ mixi-bang! in Pasadena on Saturday, November 10th 2007 beginning at 7 PM.  He's bring quite the haul of exclusive and hard-to-get toys for the show.  We've already featured the Bone GID Fang Wolf and Bonga Konga.  Now, here's a look at three more toys for the show.  First up is the  mixi-bang! exclusive Skuttle X  (50 pieces) in translucent blue (matching the previous mb! exclusive skuttles).   

Next, Touma will be bringing his new self-produced Papitz figure.  From the pics this one is a sneaky mix of Mao Cat style with a pull-up neck revealing 'knuckle' like teeth (ala Skuttle a bit).  Previously released at his Mini Exhibition #4 at Fewmany in Japan, mixi-bang! will offer the last 10 remaining Orange Papitz (50 total) and the last 25 of the black (50 total).  So if you're counting -- that's five special Touma figures for this show...    If you're a Touma fan, you need to be down at mixi-bang! this Saturday night.

36 W. Colorado Blvd. #5
Pasadena, CA 90015

Posted by Jack @ 03:58 PM | Permalink  | Comments (0) |


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