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Feb 04, 2008

Proto Monday >> Andrew Bell's Giver

Andrew Bell is about to unleash a brand-new original vinyl figure.  It's called Giver and we're starting our month long (or so)  exclusive coverage with a first look on Proto Monday here today. 

One of Andrew's older drawings (2004) serverd as  "the basis for the figure, mostly just an inspiration by the time I was done reworking it."  Compared to the drawing, the Giver as sculpted (above) has a much more monster-like than humanoid shape.  With the basic character concept in mind, Andrew went to work in his sketchbook and then created some rough design sketches (right, below)  in Illustrator.  While some early design concepts were considered and passed over including the idea of "different swappable heads that went along thematically with the accessory", the main concept behind the Giver remained constant.  Andrew explains that  the goal was to create  "a figure that could 'offer up' something, either the accessory it comes with or another favorite figure such as a dunny, labbit or qee. Giver will proudly hold your most prized plastic

That wraps up our first look at the Giver which Andrew is self-producing the under his Dyzplastic label for a spring release.  Check back here on Vinyl Pulse next Tuesday for a look at the process of revising the initial sculpt.  We'll be running weekly features looking at Giver's development through Andrew's Burning Desire solo opening on March 4th, 2008  at Gallery 1988. Click through for a shot of the Giver's back-side.

Posted by Jack @ 04:35 AM in Proto Monday , The Giver | Permalink  | Comments (0) |


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