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Feb 12, 2008

Andrew Bell's Giver - Towards a Perfect Sculpt

As seen last week on Proto Monday, Andrew Bell's  upcoming Giver is a wide-load creature with a twist - he holds and offers a "gift".  It's sometimes easy to forget that there's quite a bit of grunt work involved in turning a set of turnaround drawings into a finished figure on the shelf. 

The completion of an initial sculpt is an exciting development -- the first time an artist gets to see his or her  character realized in 3D.  After the excitement wears away, it's time to  scrutinize the pictures and mark-up the photos with revision requests.  As seen above, Andrew specified several revisions to an early sculpt -- focusing on reshaping the nose and blending it and the 'pecs' into Giver's generous body.   Getting a sculpt 'just right' often takes several rounds of revisions.  After three rounds of revisions, the Giver sculpt was nearly final and ready to be cast in resin for final tweaking  Last-minute tweaks included another reshaping of the nose area -- elongating it. 

Next up -- the hand-painted color mockup of the full design.  We'll bring you photos of the color mockup next Tuesday,  until then enjoy the color guide for the first Giver -- the  Burning Orange edition.

Posted by Jack @ 11:11 AM in Incoming , The Giver | Permalink  | Comments (0) |


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