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Feb 26, 2008
Andrew Bell's The Giver - Flame + Packaging
Andrew Bell's next designer toy, The Giver, will be released this Spring ('08) by his Dyzplastic brand. Over the last three weeks we've given you a behind-the-curtain look at the development of the figure from original concept to finalized sculpt. Today we're looking at the follow-on work for the flame character, the 'gift', that comes with the first two editions: The Giver of Fire - Burning Desire Edition (orange, 100 pcs) and The Giver of Fire - Freezer Burn Edition (blue, naturally). We're also bring you a look at the packaging.
As with the main figure, Andrew's post-design work on the Flame really started with pictures of the initial sculpt. After the back and forth of the revision process, the next step was all about the materials. Since the Flame characters are translucent, several tests were necessary to get the look 'just right'. Click through for more pics of the flame development.
Rinse and repeat. This goes not just for the toy but also for the box. Andrew wanted to his figure to make a BIG statement, so much so that he overestimated just a bit with the first box dimensions ;-) Click through to see the box design.
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