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Oct 29, 2008
John K. - ‘08 Candidate Toys Signing (11.1)
John K., the creator of the hilarious Ren and Stimpy series, will be at Meltdown Comics this Saturday, November 1st @ 2PM to sign his sweet caricature style figures of Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and John McCain. John K. will do a carcicature sketch for each person that buys a figure.
While the election is probably the most important in recent memory, we’re glad somebody can see the humor in this tension-filled race. Kudos to John K. and the folks at Reel FX Toys on the job well done. John’s designers were brought to 3D lilfe by sculptors Chris Peterson and Arshak Nazarian. Each figure is 24.99 and comes with a candidate specific box (great stuff).
Meltdown Comics
7522 Sunset Blvd
Los Angeles CA 90046
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