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Oct 06, 2008

Proto Monday >> Celsius by RoboBox


Today on Proto Monday we’re brining you an exclusive first look at RoboBox’s Celsius.  This winged cosmic crusader is the first production vinyl from Kuso Vinyl, an online retailer turned toy company.   

RoboBox’s creation is a streamlined hero ready for action.  The individual elements are familiar yet the design has a ‘cool’ factor potentially because it follows several tried and true conventions.  The design approach combines detailed sculpted elements including the wings, helmet and weapons with a fairly straightforward boy.  Intricate deco (pad prints) will be used to fill out the character.  As the vinyl toy industry moves forward, we’re bound to see an increased crossover of genres.  RoboBox wields anime styling with military precision for a look that seems to buck current designer vinyl aesthetics by flirting  with well-established genres.

RoboBox’s action space opera backstory for Celsisus provides us  with details of the expected diabolical conflict yet does so with tongue firmly planted in cheek. Delve into the character’s origin after the jump.

Kuso Vinyl caught us by surprise with their new toy production efforts.  Celsius is certainly stylish and we’re looking forward to seeing the figure develop.   While we can’t reveal anything specific yet, we can say that Kuso Vinyl has a few additional figures in the wings that will compliment Celsius’s lock and load vibe with a kawaii touch. Take a closer look at Celsius after the jump with sculpt pics + RoboBox’s illustrations of the character.




Created for the sole purpose of serving the evil Gunryu Empire lead by Emperor Nyan Nyan, Celsius was stolen by a small renegade squad known as S3uck (SSSUCK - Super Secret Squad Unit Combat Korps, pronounced as Suck) which has helped him understand the true intentions of the empire. Now fully aware of the evil doings of the empire, celsius vowed to fight for justice and freedom and spread the message that "co-existence" is a vital role in our world.



Posted by Jack @ 11:00 AM in Proto Monday | Permalink  | Comments (0) |


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