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Feb 09, 2009
Tcho! Series Intro: Jubbei
Muttpop’s tcho! mini-fig series features characters drawn from the French comic anthology of the same name. The new mini-series should be in stores soon – no later than the end of the month. Each of the six characters from separate strips were re-interpreted by Ohm for a strong, consistent look. Stick with us this week as we run-down the series a character at a time including the 6th mystery build-a-figure character (each of the the five regular figures comes with a piece to build the 6th).
We kick things off with Jubbei, an unparalleled swordsman from Bill and Gobi’s Zblucops strip. Note that his virtual card shows the standard full-color edition on the left and the rarer chase classico version (mono) on the right. Check back tomorrow for a spotlight on another tcho! figure.
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