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Jul 02, 2009
Mindstyle TTF Scavengers & Serv-O-Matics Exclusives (07.09 – 07.12)
MINDstyle will be releasing three exclusives for this years Taipei Toy Festival from Kathie Olivas Scavenger series and from Brandt Peter’s upcoming Serv-O-Matics series.
The first of three vinyl art toys for Taipei Toy Fair, MINDstyle’s 9″ Two-Faced Hazel from Kathie Olivas. This is a larger figure based off of the chase figure of the same name from Scavengers Series 1. The TTF edition of Two-Faced Hazel will be released in Taipei for USD $100.00 and is limited to 200 pieces. [VIA MS Blog]
MINDstyle is pleased to announce the limited edition release of Daisey. Taken from her tremendously popular Scavengers series, this TTF exclusive mini figure will be released in Taipei for USD $20.00 and limited to 200 pieces. Dedicated fans know that Kathie Olivas’ art and toys regularly sells out and instantly command higher secondary market prices. So, don’t miss your chance to get a Scavenger collectible! [VIA MS Blog]
Finally… one of summers hot new mini figure series launching in July; MINDstyle’s Serv-O-Matics by Brandt Peters. This is the first exclusive outside the states from his highly anticipated mini figure series. The TTF exclusive mini figure of Testbot will be released in Taipei for USD $20.00, limited to 200 pieces. Serv-O-Matics are ready to serve and protect! [VIA MS Blog]
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