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Jul 10, 2009

Seen: TxT #2


Taipei Toy Festival
, one of our favorite toy cons opened on Thursday (7.9) and continues through Sunday the 12th. So we made the 1.5 hr plane trip from HK to Taipei to bring you up close and personal coverage.  The opening of TxT #2 featuring the art and kaiju toys of Tim Biskup and Japanese artist T9G @ Paradise Toys was Friday evening's clear highlight.

The show celebrates both artist's figure collaborations in which each artist created a new sculpt of the other's signature character.  A show exclusive matching T9G Helper and Biskup Rangeas were released at the event in a wild paint scheme which at a close glance might be mistaken for a custom (and that's a good thing in our book).

Speaking of customs, both T9G and Biskup went all out customizing their collaborative figures with hand-sprayed designs that are clean and tantalizing. Tim also offered several mash-up customs combining one or more of his toys together for a distinct look.  There's plenty of great work here, be sure to hit the jump to get an eyeful.  Rounding out the show, he offered several original paintings including two gorgeous Rangeas paintings on wood.

TxT #2 continues through July 25th, so if you're in Taipei or in the region -- definitely check it out.  There are plenty of nice pieces still available for adoption.

Posted by Jack @ 12:16 PM in Shows , TTF 09 | Permalink  | Comments (0) |


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