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Nov 06, 2009
Amanda Visell – Trojan Pegaphunt
Woot! This is so awesome that describing it almost seems besides the point. But then again, that’s what I get paid the big bucks for ;-) You're looking at Amanda Visell's Trojan Pegaphunt metal sculpture produced by the wizards at Fully Visual.
The Trojan Pegaphunt is a sturdy chunk of metal destruction (4.5" x 3.24") and true to his name, he comes with a surprise... five to be exact. An army of five lil 'phunt shock troops are hidden within. Once inside the enemy compound, they are free to open the hatch on the back and get the party started their way.
First seen in Amanda's original painting for last year's Kaiju Monster Invasion at Art Basel Miami, this Trojan Pegaphunt joins her growing metal army which began with the previously released Axephunts and the Apocalypt-Ephunts. In fact if you have the Apocalypt-Ephunts, you can add those solider 'phunts into the Trojan Pegaphunt -- the more destruction the merrier.
Fully Visual will release the Trojan Pegaphunt next Tuesday, November 10th @ 11 AM PDT in their online store. It will be available in four editions: Antique Silver (25 pieces), Antique Copper (25 pieces), Antique Brass (25 pieces), and Antique Gold (25 pieces). Each Trojan Pegahunt (w/5 'phunt shock troops) will retail for $130. We've seen these in person and they are super cool.
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It's awesome..!
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