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Nov 20, 2009

Follow Friday On TwitterPulse


Cannot believe tomorrow is Designer Con! In the midst of all that, we were still able to come up with a set of new twitters for you guys to check out. You are also able to check out past follow Fridays on TwitterPulse here. Hope you guys aren’t annoyed by suggesting to follow us… so don’t forget to follow us at @VinylPulse and @VPEast.


Location: Grand Terrace, CA
Web: http://www.icanthear.com
Bio: Owner of To Die For, Professional Artist full time, Toy Designer for fun, and graffiti artist for life. Welcome to my world. LOVE IT!!
Follow Deph on Twitter.
Location: San Francisco
Web: http://www.joshuajh.blogspot.com/
Bio: Super7 Employee and Creator of the Vampire Rose
Follow Joshuajh on Twitter.
Location: Tokyo
Web: http://www.cometdebris.com/
Bio: Very well known in the kaiju industry and has many toy collaborations with Gargamel and Super7
Follow Cometdebris on Twitter.
@Mark Ryden
Location: West Coast
Web: http://www.markryden.com/
Bio: Here is where you will find the official news about Mark Ryden as reported by Mark and Porterhouse.
Follow Mark Ryden on Twitter.
@Travis Louie
Location: New York
Web: http://www.travislouie.com/
Bio: Fine artist, non-sleeper, collector of fine writing instruments, friend of Carlotta
Follow Travis Louie on Twitter.
Posted by Kristoffer @ 02:25 PM in twitter | Permalink  | Comments (0) |


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