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Nov 06, 2009
Follow Friday On TwitterPulse

Another late FF in the day, but do we have a nice roster for you. These twitters are from all over the place and may obtain some vital information when it comes to toys or art shows. The only way to seek that information is by following them and us at @VinylPulse and @VPEast. This is week 31 of TwitterPulse and we're happy that it's catching on and in fact, other blogs are doing likewise.

Location: Columbus, OH
Web: http://rivetart.com/rivet.jsp
Bio: Designer Toy and Art Gallery
Follow Rivet Gallery on Twitter.

Location: Elk Grove, CA. USA Earth
Web: http://www.dragatomi.com/
Bio: I adore my family, chocolate, and bacon.
Follow Agent_R on Twitter.

Location: San Francisco, CA
Web: http://gatchabert.blogspot.com/
Bio: Customizer and Artist
Follow Gatchabert on Twitter.

Location: Carrboro, NC
Web: http://wootini.com/main.php
Bio: Wootini est. in 2003 is an art gallery showcasing works in the Pop Pluralism movement and art items derived from works such as Designer Vinyl Figures.
Follow Wootini on Twitter.
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