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Oct 06, 2010

OsirisOrion @ NYCC

osirisorion x SketOne Ripples

OsirisOrion has been busy at work to get ready for NYCC. He will have available at the Tenacious Toys booth (#2878) with a ton of customs, featuring collaborations with Sket-One and Lysol of Dead Hand Toys. He will have available 4 different sets of Greads for $20 a pop. Osiris will also have 4 8” Ripples for $75 each and one huge 16”er for $200. Don’t forget that Osiris will also be debuting his figure with Happy Panda Toys as well. Pictures of all the Greads after the jump.

nycc gread blue shift nycc sewer sludge greed nycc molten lava greed nycc oil slick greed

Posted by Kristoffer @ 11:06 PM in Cultyard @ NYCC 2010 | Permalink  | Comments (0) |


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