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May 12, 2011

MaiHiro x Vampy x HelpHeartJapan Project Giveaway


MaiHiro and LizzieRoyale of HelpHeartJapan have released a special edition Skitty Tote Bag for $15, HERE. The proceeds will go to the Red Cross to help with the recent disasters in Japan. They have also teamed up with Linda Le (Vampy Bit Me) to help give away one of these awesome totes for free!  She will play judging the best/cutest Kawaii pose.

Here’s How To Enter:

1) Join Nakanari as well as Vampybitme fanclub pages on Facebook
2) Then email [email protected] with your photo to be entered to be chosen as best cute/kawaii pose. Both male and females can enter but only once per person so make sure it's your best pose.
3) Tell all your friends and thank you wholeheartedly for your support!
By May 22nd, 2011, Linda will choose the winner of the contest on Facebook and display their picture as well as sending them their Skitty Japan relief tote bag as a gift. Good luck!

Posted by Kristoffer @ 12:13 PM in Contests (active) , Heads Up | Permalink  | Comments (0) |


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