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Oct 12, 2011

Lulubell Toys NYCC Release Line-Up & After Con Events

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NYCC is just a day away and Lulubell Toys are just as prepared as ever! They’ve got toys, parties, and signings. What more can you ask for?! Take a look at their release line-up for their booth #589 after the jump.

For those of you  looking for some after events for the con, be sure not to miss out on the Lulubell & Friends “One Night Toy Party!” at Cotton Candy Machine on Saturday, October 15th at 7PM. They will be releasing some exclusive CCM colorways from Lulubell, Lulubell Japan, Cherry Vinyl & Grody Shogun. Participating artists include: Skinner, Jon Knox, Paul Kaiju, Stephane Blanchet, Grody Shogun, Velocitron, & more.

Another reason to stop by the event is for the Limited Edition Turquoise ‘George’ figure by Tara McPherson. When we say limited, we mean limited, as in limited to 6 pieces only! So you best get to the event fast and early if you want to snag up one of these gems.

Thursday/Preview Night:

Paul Kaiju – 4PM Exclusive Seagools, Boss Carrions, and other surprises
Grody Shogun - 5-6PM Special Grody Mash-Up Release & Signing


Femke x Cherry Vinyl – 10AM Exclusive Le Chat
Skinner – 12-1PM HP Bogs & Ollie’s Release & SIgning
Grody Shogun - 3-4PM Special Grody Mash-Up Release & Signing


Tara McPherson x Cherry Vinyl 12-1PM Exclusive Resin George Release & Signing
Mutant Vinyl Hardcore – 3-4PM Ollie and other surprise Releases & Signing
Nathan Jurevicius – 5PM Exclusive AKIS resin Release

All Days:

Tons of goodies from Lulubell, Lulubell Japan, Grody Shogun, Velocitron & Pretty in Plastic. You also cannot forget about the ‘Create Your Own Monster’ thing they’ve got going on at the booth too!

NJ_AKIS_resin chat_NYCC Make-A-Monster_FINAL

Posted by Kristoffer @ 10:05 AM in Incoming , NYCC 2011 | Permalink  | Comments (0) |


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