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Mar 13, 2012
Sneak: Yoskay Yamamoto's 'Jokes on me...' (3.24)
Perhaps best known for his paintings, Yoskay Yamamoto is most comfortable expressing himself through his sculpture. While previous solo shows have offered sculpture as a compliment to his painting, the upcoming 'Jokes on me...' @ LeBasse Projects Chinatown (3.24) focuses exclusively on his three dimensional work.
Through a collection of hand-carved wood pieces as well as hybrid works blending beloved toys in plastic and vinyl with original elements, Yoskay offers a personal reflection on life's unexpected fluctuations expressed through cultural icons, both popular and niche. Whether the point of reference is a classic children's character such as Pooh, or an iconic element of cutting-edge culture such as Kaws' Blitz figure, Yoskay enfuses each piece with a palpable sense of humanity through skillfully realized expressions and poses.
Yoskay Yamamoto || 'Jokes on Me...'
Opening: Saturday, March 24th 2012 (7 to 10 PM)
LeBasse Projects Chinatown
923 Chung King Rd.
Los Angeles, CA 90012
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