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May 08, 2012

TLS x VP Buckingham Warrior Photo Caption Contest


Gary Baseman’s upcoming Buckingham Warrior vinyl was inspired by his father’s heroic efforts as a freedom fighter to end Nazi oppression during WWII and his experiences as a Holocaust survivor. To celebrate the upcoming launch of the toy, Vinyl Pulse has teamed up with the art toy’s producers, The Loyal Subjects, to bring you a chance to win the figure by coming up with a caption for for the Buckingham Warrior photo that speaks to heroism or heroic deeds.


To enter, do the following by the contest deadline (Tuesday, May 22nd @ 8 PM PDT ):
  1. Like The Loyal Subjects facebook page and submit the caption as a comment to the contest photo on the TLS facebook page.
  2. Also, be sure to tweet the caption and include @loyalsubjects, @vinylpulse and the #bwtlsvp hash tag


Photo Caption Contest Rules
1. To enter follow the steps listed above.
2. Deadline to enter is Tuesday, May 22nd @ 8 PM PDT
3. Entries deemed to be crass or in poor taste will result in disqualification.
4. Entries will be judged by Vinyl Pulse and The Loyal subjects.
5. The creator of the entry deemed to be the ‘best caption’ will win a Buckingham Warrior vinyl.


Posted by Jack @ 10:00 AM in Contests (active) | Permalink  | Comments (0) |


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