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Jun 11, 2012

Win a Lord Magma Skullendario Azteca

001-Lord Magma skullendario giveaway 820

The Beast Brothers and Huck Gee will release the last Skullendario Azteca edition on Friday June 22nd.  They’ve also partnered with Vinyl Pulse and several  five other excellent blogs on a contest to win one of the Lord Magma customs.  Each blog will randomly select one finalist and The Beast Brothers will select the winner of the Lord Magma from the six finalists via a ustream broadcast on the 22nd. 

To enter the VP contest for a chance to be one of the six finalists, take a trip to our spiffy Facebook and ‘like’ the contest photo by the deadline of  8 PM PDT on Thursday, June 21st. Then, be sure to visit Toysrevil, Clutter, Spankystokes, The Blot Says, and Vinyl Abuse to enter each of their own contests.

Giveaway Rules
1. To enter visit our Facebook and ‘like’ the contest photo
2. Deadline to enter is Thursday, June 21st 2012 @ 8 PM PDT
3. One randomly chosen user will be entered as one of six finalists to win a Lord Magma Skullendario Azteca custom.

Posted by Jack @ 10:01 PM in Contests (active) | Permalink  | Comments (1) |


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Poop. I don't have a facebook page.

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