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Jun 25, 2012

Winner of the VP x TLS x Gary Baseman Buckingham Warrior Contest


A little while ago, we worked with The Loyal Subjects to bring you a photo caption contest for the chance to win one of the OG Buckingham Warrior vinyl figures from Gary Baseman and The Loyal Subjects.  Today, we’re happy to announce that the winner is Shawn Carlton Barnes.  His photo caption eloquently expresses the heroism behind Baseman’s newest toy project.  Congratulations to Shawn and thanks to all of you who entered.

I walk through this wooded landscape, shrouded by only my own brothers. I will tear darkness from this plane like the breast from that of a babe's mouth. I can no longer sit idle as the shadowy monsters wreak havoc amongst the innocent, uprooted I have become to seek and destroy all that is evil. Alas I am so tired, my mother calls for my return but I cannot answer, no not yet.” – Shawn Carlton Barnes

Posted by Jack @ 02:18 PM in Contests (active) | Permalink  | Comments (1) |


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