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Jul 13, 2012

Pushead x Takeshit SDCC Event

Pushead continued his annual SDCC tradition with Thursday's eagerly anticipated event at the Toy Tokyo booth. This year Pus invited Japanese legendary fighting figure pioneer TAKESHIT as the featured guest artist. Collectors lined-up in a previously chosen random order roughly half an hour prior to the dramatic dropping of the black curtains covering the display cases. The gathered crowd let out audible oohs and ahs when they spotted several editions of the fabled Fink Shit, Rebel Captain, brand-new Pushead Nike Dunks, Mecha Gorilla Jou, hand-painted pieces and more. With this year's event Pus continues to surprise and satisfy his collectors. Each prized piece increases the anticipation for Pus's next major event, perhaps at NYCC in October.


Posted by Jack @ 12:35 AM in SDCC 2012 | Permalink  | Comments (2) |


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Man...some of them skullbrainers have nice bellies since I last saw em.

So how did this whole event play out? What is the previously chosen random order? Were numbers given out earlier in the day?

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