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Jul 13, 2012
SDCC Flash -- New UNKL Figures Shown
Last year Toynami surprised us by showing a large format Sponge Bob Squarepants UniPo vinyl from UNKL. In February UNKL shared a photo of an upcoming smaller-format line of Sponge Bob series UniPos. This year Toynami is showing several upcoming Unkl figures including the small-fig series. In addition, the tags indicate that these will be released in the fall for $19.99 each. Sponge Bob and UNKL fans should be rather happy shortly.
While the Sponge Bob toys will be fun, we'd also like to see release info for the as-yet unreleased original UNKL figures including the SUG SearchR and Viking Dreamers, which are being shown in the booth for the 2nd straight year. Hopefully, we won't have to wait another year.
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