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Jul 02, 2012
Vinyl Pulse’s #vpjulytoyshot
We know a lot of you out there are Instagram enthusiasts just like us! We’ve also noticed those monthly photo-a-day challenges that a lot of you participate in. So we decided to put one together for all you toy peoples! As one picture per day for a whole month is quite a lot, we decided to do weekly themed challenges. We are also throwing in one weekly prize to our favorite submission of the weeks theme. That means 4 prizes will be given out during the month. If we get enough steam going behind this, we may do more of these each month. This may result in more and more special prizes. When posting your photo don’t forget to add the hash tag #vpjulytoyshot so we can keep track of everyone’s pictures. At the end of each week we will also post the winner’s photo along with everyone else's submissions of that weeks theme here. Feel free to also re-gram the flier above!
For the month of July we’ve gone with 4 themes.
Week 1 07.01 - 4th of July
Week 2 07.08 - SDCC or Monsters
Week 3 07.15 – Summer Sun
Week 4 07.22 - Animal Kingdom
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