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Nov 02, 2012

3DRetro for Designer Con


The 3DRetro booth #102 will play host to a number of exclusives to this years Designer Con. They will be releasing a limited number of Bob Dob’s “Wil” Mouseketeer figure. Only a small number of these pre-releases will be up for grabs, as the remainder will drop later in the year. They’ve also got a hold of an Exclusive Boob Ball by Buff Monster, which is limited to 125 pieces and will retail $35. You will also have a chance to have it signed by the man himself, as he will be at the booth. 3DRetro also has an Exclusive Shrympee “Ol’ Tyme” Edition by David Chung, which are limited to 120 pieces and will cost you $15. You can also find David at the booth signing. Last but not least, 3DRetro has a few surprises from Monster Products. Things such as a Black Grin Bank, Glow and Grey Charlie Grin, and other goodies! There's only one way to find out and that’s by checking out their booth at DCon.

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Posted by Kristoffer @ 10:52 AM in DesignerCon '12 | Permalink  | Comments (0) |


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