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Mar 24, 2013

Super7 for Wondercon

wca2013_exc_super7_mummyboy wca2013_exc_super7_rosevampire wca2013_exc_super7_milton

Super7 will be making it down from San Francisco to once again to attend Wondercon this year. With them, they’ve got a handful of cute tiny sofubi figures or your collecting pleasures. First up is the Happy Cola Pocket Mummy Boy, which immediately screams that cola candy we all know and love. This release features a squishy clear vinyl made to replicate the feel of the candy, as well as a brown sprays. Second up is the Glowing Frost Pocket Rose Vampire, which is cast in a GID vinyl with blue and red sprays. Last up is the Midnight Snack Milton, who is also cast in a GID vinyl with pink, purple, and gold spray. All of these figures will be on sale at the S7 booth #1166 for $25 each.

Posted by Kristoffer @ 09:45 PM in WonderCon 2013 | Permalink  | Comments (0) |


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