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Apr 29, 2013

Sket One x 1xRun – Galactic Empire (5.6)


In Sket’s Galactic Empire, AT-AT’s roam the land instead of Grizzlies. 1xRun will soon release two editions of his re-interpretation of the California Stage Flag.  The Star Wars inspired flag image will be available as both a 5-color screen print (19” x 13”, 80 pcs, $50) and an actual flag (60” x 36”, 20 pcs, $100).   Both editions will be released on Monday May 6th and be available through the 20th or until they sell out via 1xRun.

001-1xRun_Sket-One_Galactic-Empire_Print_Web01 001-1xRun_Sket-One_Galactic-Empire_Print_Web02001-1xRun_Sket-One_Galactic-Empire_Print_Web04

Posted by Jack @ 10:18 PM in Prints | Permalink  | Comments (0) |


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