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Oct 18, 2013
Lunartik – Witches Bew (10.20)
Lunartik is about to unleash his Witches Brew mini-teas just in time for All Hallow’s Eve. Limited to 213 ‘cups of terror’, the new edition will be signed and numbered and be ‘dripping with blood’. Based on the teaser image above, it looks like it will also have a single, cyclops style eye. Interestingly the product page mentions, “Mixed numbers - your order will be a surprise” – not quite sure what to make of that. Lunartik has promised more pics shortly so hopefully we’ll be able to unravel the mystery.
The Witches Brew mini-teas (2.5”) will be released on Sunday, October 20th at 5 PM PDT from lunartik.com for £20 (~$32.32).
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