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Oct 13, 2013

Pushead at NYCC 2013


Pushead’s annual NYCC event is the highlight of the show for many collectors since it’s one of only two main releases each year, the other being at SDCC.  This year’s NYCC event was on Saturday afternoon.  As expected, it drew a large crowd waiting outside of the Toy Toyko booth for their turn to go into the back room and see what what Pus had in store.  Right before those trips began, Pus and crew dropped the black curtain to reveal the mother lode including a new pirate figure with a bandage wrapped head, and lower serpent style torso, several new Hydros,  a blue + bright orange Nag Ball, a new Fink Shit, and a massive new two-headed gorilla from Hirota (display only?) as well as a smaller new figure.  It goes without saying, but collectors seemed blown away – the selection exceeded their already high expectations. This is the second straight release that Pus has released a new sculpt – exciting times.

Posted by Jack @ 10:01 AM in NYCC 2013 | Permalink  | Comments (0) |


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