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Nov 07, 2013

DeKorner – DCon Exclusive S’Murk + Hand-painted Chases


Surprise!  While you probably know that DeKorner will be releasing their exclusive Evil S’Murk from David Flores and Blackbook Toy at DesignerCon (66 pcs, $90), did you know that there are 6 hand-painted Papa S’Murk chase figures created by Malo One ?  Having seen one of these in person, Mike did a great job – extremely clean and he added subtle accent lines in light blue and light red corresponding to the black outlines of the toy.

The chases will be available only at DesignerCon. Once you purchase a figure you’ll  draw a ticket to see whether you’ve scored the chase.  If you get a chase ticket, then you’ll have the option of buying the chase ($100) or purchasing the regular – your choice.   Props to DeKorner and Malo One for creating a fun bonus for collectors.  Also, be sure to check out Malo One’s and Malo April’s customs at their booth [#814].

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Posted by Jack @ 05:26 PM in DesignerCon '13 | Permalink  | Comments (0) |


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