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Dec 09, 2013
Designer Toy Awards Silent Auctions (2.9 – 2.18)
To close out 2013, the Designer Toy Awards are holding silent auctions for several toys which were finalists for this year’s ‘Toy of the Year’ award as a well as few additional pieces. The schedule for the auctions is listed after the jump and includes a a Metal Gear: Solid Rex Bambaland Edition piece, a special one-of-a-kind gold+silver Bad Apple, a Shades of Grey Pierced, and several more tempting pieces. If you’ve never participated in a silent auction, it’s an auction in which you place a bid without knowing what others have bid. Whichever bid is the highest wins. To bid in the DTA silent auctions, email [email protected] with the bid during one of the auctions. Each auction runs from 12 noon to 4 PM EST.
Mon (12.9) – Gary Ham Fonzo by Freak Store.
Tues (12.10) -- Squadt Terror Boys: Ooze [oilish] by Brandt Peters and Ferg
Wed (12.11) –- Metal Gear Solid: Rex Bambaland Edition from 3A
Thu (12.12) –- Mini MAD*L Resin (10th edition) from MAD
Fri (12.13) –- Pierced Shades of Grey from Parra and Kidrobot
Mon (12.16) –- Bad Apple one-off Gold + Silver edition from Goin and Mighty Jaxx
Tues (12.17) –- Pearl K hand-painted 3” Dunny Custom from Rsin
Wed (12.18) –- Tooth Decay by Creo Desin in a black + gold DTA colorway
All auctions will run from Noon to 4 PM EST on the specified day. To bid email [email protected].
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