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Apr 14, 2014
Frank Kozik –- Hateball: Freaky Fritz Release (4.16)
Hateball, aka Freaky Fritz is ready to bounce into your collection. First shown at SDCC 2013, this severed bundle of rude energy debuts in a set of two unpainted sofubi pieces –- one 4” and one 3” in a random mix of solid mint and solid flesh colors. While you can certainly display Hateballs by themselves, they are designed to fit on to many fight figures and larger sofubi figures as well.
In fact, since Frank is a nice guy, two fortunate customers chosen at random will score an righteous bonus -- one of two full-size figures (Salary Ika bodies) topped with a Hateball. Limited to just 30 sets with signed/numbered header cards, these WWI + madball inspired vinyl figures drop on Wednesday (4.16) @ Noon PDT over at frankkozik.net for $65 (+ s/h) per set.
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What are the fight figures you mentioned and how do I get a hold of one
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