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Apr 15, 2014

Gravy Toys – Lonny Kickstarter Update + New Baller Stretch Goals


First off, congrats to Bwana Spoons and Gravy Toys for meeting their goal to produce Lonny! Not only did they meet their goal, they’ve exceeded it! Meeting their stretch goal of $9K means that there will be need heads and arm attachments made for Jeff, made by none other than T9G and Paul Kaiju. Those in the Lonny premmie glow will now get 1 additional piece and those in the Lonny DX will receive a complete set of GID accessories. ALSO… since it has reached 10K, there will be fancy shmancy boxes made for all Gravy Toy releases.

Why don’t we take things a few steps further! With only 7 days left of the Kickstarter Campaign, Gravy Toys has added a few more stretch goals! $15K, everybody will get a blind package metallic gold attachment with any reward Lonny Glow level and up. If they make it to $17.5K, there will be an add-on to have Lonny’s brother Drizzz made. If they make it to $22K, there will be a series 2 run of artist attachments, which will feature Skinner and another artist TBA.

Posted by Kristoffer @ 03:52 PM in Incoming | Permalink  | Comments (0) |


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