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Aug 12, 2014

Instinctoy – Halloween inc and Muckey at STGCC (9.6 – 9.7)


 Instinctoy will release a small amount of their special Halloween figures early for Singapore Toys, Games and Comic Convention (STGCC, 9.6 – 9.7) and then again at Taipei Toy Festival (TTF, 10.9 – 10.12) before the main online release later in October.  This year Instinctoy is releasing two editions of their annual Halloween inc figure (~ 9”) –– Platinum (SGD 210, ~$167) and Gold (SGD 200, $160).  The Platinum features a wild purple-hued design with metallic paint, and glitter embedded in translucent vinyl.  The Gold features a metallic orange design with gold glitter in translucent vinyl.  Both figures include a swappable pumpkin head, capes, and remotes to control the fancy embedded LED light system.

And… There’s also a bright pumpkin orange Halloween Muckey (~7.5”, SGD 130, ~$104) with GID details (looks like ears, nose, claws, and Haunted Castle chest logo).

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Posted by Jack @ 03:23 PM in Incoming , STGCC 2014 | Permalink  | Comments (0) |


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