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Aug 06, 2014
Jon Paul Kaiser – Custom Commission Show-Off!
Jon Paul Kaiser has finished up a couple new stunning commissions! First is Pinhead from Hellraiser. Jon used a Real x Head Ryusei Ninja Ichibanboshi figure, which served as a darn near perfect base for this custom. He also had to meticulously insert and glue each of the needles.
There is also “Rose & Sky”, a Pacific Rim “Gypsy Danger” Jaeger inspired custom, which Jon uses Huck Gee’s Penelope McStompalot 8” Dunny as custom fodder. This guy comes equipped with power sword and battered shield!
If you’re looking to get a custom done by Mr. JPK you may want to shoot him an email over to jpk[at]jonpaulkaiser[dot]com, as his list just opened up! Be sure to click after the jump for more pics! Speaking of photos, these were all taken by Justin Allfree.
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