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Nov 08, 2014
Wrong Gallery at Designer Con
We’re happy to report that Wrong Gallery has once again made the trip to Pasadena from Taipei for DesignerCon. The have stocked their booth [#204] with hard-to-find art toys from Asian artists as well as rare Asian editions from western artists. Look for figures from 13 Arts, BanaNa ViruS, Bao Ching Wang, Brainfart55, Cacooca, Daniel Yu, Gary Baseman, Instinctoy, Jason Freeny, Kenny Wong, Mr. Clement, Newsed, Rainbo Aws, Ray Liao, Robin Tang Antics and Shon Side.
Special highlight exclusives in a limited number of the Wrong Gallery Exclusive Creamy Chinese Flower Edition from Gary Baseman and 3DRetro as well as a small number of the Jason Freeny Gold Skull Bomb from TTF.
Check it all out at the Wrong Gallery booth [#204] !
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