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Jan 30, 2015

Favorite Purchase of 2014


My favorite toy purchase of 2014 was Invisible Creature’s Colonel Stinson produced by Super7. I first saw the initial prototype of the Colonel at SDCC 2012 and have been anxiously awaiting its release. Everything about this toy appeals to me as a collector. The character design is strong and the concept is both fun and creative. The color palette used is one of my favorites, and the Happy Meal-inspired box design completely put it over the top. One specific detail I particularly like is that the back of the chair the Colonel sits upon can be seen sculpted into the backside of the figure. I anxiously await what other toys Invisible Creature has in mind for their Odd Galaxy series. Fingers crossed it is not another two years until the next design is released.

ColonelStinson_Front ColonelStinson_back Stinson

Posted by Gary Ham @ 12:00 PM in Gary Pulse | Permalink  | Comments (0) |


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