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Aug 13, 2015

Michelle Valigura x Amanda Visell – Arctic Fox + Robot & Midas Robot + Fox Sets


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Michelle Valigura  and Amanda Visel l have released two new editions of their collaborative resin sets featuring AV’s Fox and MV’s Robot. The Arctic Fox and Robot set  (25Arctic Fox and Robot set  (25 pcs, $90) features a 3.5” fox and a smaller robot—hand-painted dry brush style in icy blue hues.  Flip flopping the headliner role, the Midas Robot + Fox sets (10 pcs, $90)  feature a 3.5” Robot cast in clear resin with gold glitter and a mini-mini fox. While the OG versions feature a girl on Robot’s chest panel, the Midas edition features a cheerful King Midas Fox. Both figure sets are available now at myswitcheroo.com.

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Posted by Jack @ 11:53 PM in Incoming | Permalink  | Comments (0) |


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