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Sep 15, 2015
J*Ryu x Kidrobot F.A.D. Dunny with Patina Finish + 20” Pearlescent Reveal
Oooh. Kidr obot’s latest Behind the Vinyl teaser shows off a nicely done
“patina” effect on J*Ryu’s upcoming It’s a F.A.D. Dunny. If you rewind back your memories about a month ago, you’ll remember that KR teased a very similar shot but with a weathered/rubbed effect (pic after the jump) rather than the Patina. So… What’s it all mean?
While it’s possible that the earlier shot was an in-process shot leading to the final result (patina), it seems perhaps more likely that there are two editions – the standard (assumption on our part) and the patina edition. While it’s not proof of the two editions guess, looking at both pictures strongly suggests they are not photos of the same piece taken at different painting stages.
Also, the next question is? Are these shots of the 20” or 8”? In light of J*Ryu’s full-reveal of the 20” Pearlescent version, it seems likely that these two bronze-ish pics are of the upcoming 8” version.
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